
An overbite, or malocclusion, is a common dental deformity that occurs when the upper row of teeth extends too far over the lower row. While many people have a minor overbite, those who have more advanced cases may be at risk for a variety of oral health risks, such as tooth and gum damage, sleep apnea, and speech disorders. Fortunately, many oral surgery solutions can help address the problem. If you’re worried about an overbite, here are a few common reasons they occur and what can be done to address them.

5 Reasons People Develop an Overbite

1. Genetics

Genetics play a major role in oral health, especially when it comes to jaw development. Some individuals may have genes that cause them to be born with jaws that are too small or misaligned. When this happens, the upper teeth can protrude further. While genetics can’t be changed, you can usually fix the overbite with corrective jaw surgery.

oral surgery2. Childhood Behaviors

Prolonged thumb-sucking and pacifier use can cause children to place too much stress on their front teeth. Over time, the teeth can get pushed forward and cause an overbite to form. Once the child’s adult teeth come in, they can usually use orthodontic treatments such as braces to fix the malocclusion.  

3. Grinding

Bruxism is a common disorder in which a person grinds their teeth together while they’re sleeping. In addition to contributing to enamel wear, this condition can force teeth out of their natural position, possibly causing an overbite to develop.

If you have bruxism, prevent this problem by wearing a custom night guard that protects your teeth. However, if the overbite is already too far developed, you may need oral surgery or orthodontic treatment.  

4. Teeth Position

When one or more teeth are crooked, spaced, crowded, or missing, the other teeth in the mouth can shift. If not corrected early on, these positioning issues can cause a person to develop a malocclusion. Braces, tooth extraction, and dental implants are just a few possible ways that these matters can be corrected.

5. Abnormal Growths

Sometimes, a tumor or cyst may grow inside the oral cavity and push surrounding teeth out of place. Fixing this type of overbite usually requires oral surgery to remove the growth and correct jaw and teeth placement.


If an overbite is putting your comfort or health in harm’s way, the Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage are ready to restore your smile. Whether the malocclusion is due to bruxism, injury, or genetics, these board-certified oral surgeons will correct your teeth using advanced tools and surgical techniques, including jaw surgery, extraction, and dental implants. To learn more about their approach to comfortable and thorough care, visit this dental surgery clinic online. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, call (907) 561-1430.
