
A sink that drains slowly can be annoying, and over time, can cause significant problems with your plumbing. Luckily, in many cases, the problem is a clog that can be easily fixed. There are several steps you can take to remedy a clog, but if the problem keeps coming back, or is located deeper in your system, you’ll need the help of a plumber. Explore the list of common causes below to help prevent issues in the first place. 

What’s Clogging Your Drains?

1. Hair

Hair is often the cause of a slow draining bathroom sink. When you wash and brush your hair or shave over the sink, strands can get caught in the pop-up assembly of the drain and create a tangled “net” that captures other debris and restricts water flow. Clearing the hair will help, but avoid the issue in the first place by using a drain cover to prevent rinsing hair down the sink. 

2. Food & Grease

plumberIf your kitchen sink won’t drain, the most likely culprit is a buildup of food and grease in the pipes. When debris gets caught in the curved section of pipe under the sink, called the drain basket or the P-trap, it will build up over time and cause a clog. Removing that debris should solve the problem.

3. Deteriorating Pipes

Another potential cause of a slow drain, and one that requires a plumber’s help, is deteriorating pipes. Over time, older pipes made from materials like galvanized metal or cast iron can deteriorate or develop deformities that prevent water from draining correctly. Although some maintenance can help slow this process, often the best solution is to replace old pipes. 

4. Sewer Problems 

Problems with the sewer line, whether you have private septic or are on a city line, can lead to slow drains. These problems could include a buildup of sludge in the pipe or tank that needs to be removed, or a crack or break in a pipe. If more than one sink or toilet in your home is draining slowly and you’ve ruled out other causes, the sewer line could be the reason. If you continually have problems, or if you smell sewage in your home, call a plumber for help immediately to prevent further damage. 


If you’re struggling with clogged sinks in your home, contact the experts at Arrowhead Plumbing in Lawrenceville, GA. These experienced plumbers provide both ongoing maintenance and emergency plumbing services to residential and commercial clients throughout Gwinnett, Dekalb, and Fulton Counties. Call (678) 226-2959 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about plumbing repairs and troubleshooting methods.
