
Mice infestations are relatively common throughout the winter, as they look for warm places to sleep and leftover food to eat. However, these critters can carry disease, chew through wiring, and damage insulation, so it’s essential to try and prevent them from getting into your building. Here are some mouse control techniques that property owners should keep in mind.

3 Ways to Keep Mice Out of Your Building

1. Seal Entry Points

Mice can sneak into buildings through tiny cracks in the exterior. A few times throughout the year, inspect the outside walls to find any gaps or potential vulnerabilities, and seal them with caulk or mesh wire. Some common spots include the areas around pipes, window frames, and roof flashing.

2. Keep Trash Secure

mouse control St. Paul, MNMice are always looking out for food scraps, which makes your trash an especially appealing destination. When discarding trash bags in outdoor dumpsters, make sure the lid remains tight and secure so that they’re not continually hanging around your property. Indoors, take similar precautions by cleaning up trash right away and keeping it in covered containers until it’s time to take it outside.

3. Clean Up Exterior Clutter & Landscaping

Mice are more likely to make it inside your building if they spend a lot of time lurking right outside. Since they’re always looking for places to hide, you can reduce the likelihood of them hanging around by limiting clutter and overgrown plants. Keep firewood and landscaping materials off the ground and away from your exterior walls, and have bushes and plants that brush up against your building trimmed regularly.


If you need professional mouse control service for your building, RemTech Inc. is available to help residents and businesses throughout Saint Paul, MN, and the entire Twin Cities area. In addition to mouse control, their exterminators also provide pest control solutions for spiders, bees, roaches, and bed bugs. The team is always professional and discreet, and they work quickly to help property owners get rid of their pest infestations right away. Visit the company’s website to see a full list of services. To request assistance, call (651) 600-9983.
