
When you have bad breath, technically known as halitosis, the symptom can sometimes be a sign of a larger underlying problem that may need attention from a dentist. To help you keep your breath fresh, here are a few common reasons for halitosis and how you can take care of the problem.

What May Be Causing Bad Breath  

1. You Ate Something Strong  

If you’re experiencing bad breath suddenly, your diet is most likely to blame. Some foods—such as onion and garlic—contain sulfur or other compounds that can produce a strong smell that can linger long after your meal. Fortunately, you can renew your breath by chewing on sugar-free gum, rinsing with mouthwash, or brushing your teeth.  

2. Your Mouth Is Dry

dentistNot producing enough saliva is a common problem that can occur if you take certain medications, sleep with your mouth open, or are dehydrated. When your mouth becomes dry, it’s easier for bacteria and dead cells to accumulate and contribute to halitosis. Brushing your teeth, rinsing with mouthwash, and staying hydrated can help keep these smelly components at bay. However, if you have chronic dry mouth, it’s best to talk to a dentist about potential long-term solutions.   

3. You Smoke Cigarettes

Cigarettes and other tobacco products contain nicotine and other chemicals that can leave behind an unpleasant odor in your mouth. If you smoke regularly, these smells can’t always be covered up with gum or mouthwash. Instead, your best bet for fresher breath is to talk to a doctor about safe ways you can quit smoking.

4. You Have an Oral Health Condition

Dental health issues that involve bacterial growth—such as gum disease and tooth infections—can spur bad breath that is difficult to get rid of. Since these conditions only get worse over time, the only way to protect your smile, and achieve fresher breath, is to see a dentist for appropriate treatment.



When you’re burdened by persistent bad breath, Dr. Thomas Park, DDS offers comprehensive care to put a stop to the problem. Located in Seymour, CT, this caring dentist is qualified to diagnose and treat numerous causes of halitosis, including gum disease, dental infections, and dry mouth. Dr. Park also provides routine teeth cleanings and exams to prevent bad breath. To learn more about these services, visit his website. Call (203) 888-9947 to schedule an appointment. 
