
When you’re looking to achieve optimal wellness or treat an existing condition, exploring holistic medicine with the help of a naturopathic doctor can yield effective results. If you’re unfamiliar with natural medicine and how it differs from traditional practices, here is some helpful insight so you can go into your appointment with the right expectations. 

Understanding Holistic Medicine

What Does Holistic Medicine Mean?

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that treats the patient as a whole, including mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Under this philosophy, naturopathic doctors and holistic practitioners focus on helping patients achieve a balance that stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities.

Instead of leaving an appointment with a prescription for medication that treats a specific symptom, naturopathic doctors look at the whole body and may suggest a variety of treatments, as well as sleep, exercise, and diet changes to improve quality of life. 

What Are the Benefits of This Approach?

Naturopathic DoctorHolistic medicine evaluates symptoms, as well as the underlying causes of said symptoms under the belief that bodies are interdependent. By addressing underlying issues, holistic medicine has long-term benefits.

A combination of treatment and lifestyle changes can eradicate unwanted symptoms, treat underlying problems, and prevent future problems as you and your naturopathic doctor prioritize total mind and body wellness. 

What Is Considered Holistic Medicine?

A variety of treatment options and wellness routines fall under the umbrella of holistic medicine. Acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, physical therapy, exercise, chiropractic care, homeopathy, naturopathy, and spiritual counseling or psychotherapy are all considered natural medicine, as each discipline focuses on mind-body balance and identifying the source of unwanted symptoms or pain. 



Are you looking for a naturopathic doctor who can help you promote mind-body wellness through a combination of acupuncture and natural medicine? If so, Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine Inc. is the resource for you. Based in Anchorage, AK, residents across the state have turned to Dr. Michael J. Ellenburg and his dedicated practice to resolve health issues using holistic medicine strategies. To schedule your appointment, call (907) 563-2366. For more information on their services, visit their website
