
While there is no cure for glaucoma, there are certain lifestyle choices you can make that will prevent the condition from worsening and protect your eyesight. Find out more about how to live a healthy lifestyle in the list below so you can manage your glaucoma.

How to Manage Your Glaucoma

1. Live Healthily

Keep your body as healthy as possible by getting plenty of exercise and eating a well-rounded diet. Gentle exercise can help promote blood flow to the nerves in your eyes and help reduce pressure. Talk to your doctor before choosing an exercise regimen. While your diet can’t prevent glaucoma from getting worse, one that includes essential nutrients and antioxidants can support your overall eye health.

2. Don’t Skip Your Medication

It’s essential to take your medication and apply eye drops exactly as your doctor directs to prevent your glaucoma from worsening. Make them a part of your routine and set a reminder on your phone or watch so you don’t forget any doses.

3. Cut Out Cigarettes & Caffeine

Smoking causes eye inflammation and raises your blood pressure, which can result in a higher risk of diabetes and cataracts. If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, talk to your doctor about quitting smoking today, or you could risk making your eyesight even worse. Caffeine can also temporarily raise the pressure in your eyes, so do your best to reduce the amount of coffee, tea, and soda you drink.

4. Drink Fluids Slowly

You don’t need to cut back on your fluid intake, but you should spread your beverages evenly throughout the day to prevent causing unnecessary pressure buildup in your eyes. Drinking more than a quart of liquid at once can increase eye pressure and potentially lead to worse glaucoma symptoms.

5. Protect Your Eyes

Keep your eyes safe from projectiles and injuries when you play contact sports or do yard work and wear goggles when you swim. You should also be careful when choosing eye cosmetics and only wear non-allergenic formulas that you replace often. Wear sunglasses outdoors and avoid rubbing your eyes, no matter how itchy they feel.


Get the professional care you need for your glaucoma by visiting the eye health professionals at Medical Eye Center in Columbia, MD. They provide holistic care with a focus on detecting, preventing, and treating common eye health issues. These eye doctors can help you improve your overall wellness so you can live a healthy life and prevent your glaucoma from worsening. Make your first appointment today by calling (410) 997-9900 or learn more about the practice online.
