
From cavities to crowns, there are many treatments designed to save problematic teeth. But in some cases—such as when decay is extensive or teeth are crowded—dentists will have to remove the tooth completely. As a routine procedure, tooth extraction is swift and pain-free. However, you will need to perform basic aftercare to ensure the treatment site heals properly. If you’re having a tooth removed, here are a few tips to help you through the recovery process.  

How to Help Yourself Heal After Tooth Removal

1. Get Some Rest

While you should be able to resume normal activities soon after your extraction appointment, it’s still good to take some time to rest. Relaxing at home for the day can help your immune system focus on repairing the treatment site so that you can enjoy a faster, more comfortable recovery.

2. Manage Discomfort

The extraction site may be slightly tender after treatment, especially if the area swells. To manage these symptoms, take an over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory medication according to the instructions. Applying ice over the cheek can also help reduce swelling and ease the pain.

3. Eat With Care

dentistApart from wisdom teeth surgeries, routine extractions shouldn’t significantly impede eating abilities. However, for the first day or so, you should take care to avoid disturbing the treatment site by only consuming soft foods that won’t require much chewing, such as soup, yogurt, or pasta. When you do have to chew, do so with the untreated side of your mouth.

4. Follow Cleaning Instructions

Typically, in the first few days after the extraction, the treatment site is too sensitive for normal oral hygiene. While you should brush and floss the other teeth, your dentist may recommend rinsing the extraction site with a saltwater solution to remove food debris, minimize bacteria buildup, and prevent infection. If your dentist prescribed antibiotics to minimize infection risk, be sure to take the medications as directed.

5. Follow Up With Your Dentist

Make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dental office. During this visit, your provider will make sure the site has healed correctly, and if necessary, remove any sutures. You’ll also discuss any potential follow-up treatments, such as dental implants to replace the missing natural teeth.


If you’re worried about your oral health, the Dental Clinic of Onalaska offers comprehensive support to protect your smile. Using advanced tools and techniques, this La Crosse County, WI, family dentist provides fillings, root canals, and restorative treatments to help preserve natural teeth. Visit this dentist online to learn more about these capabilities, or call (608) 783-3341 to schedule a convenient appointment.
