
In most children, teeth will begin to erupt between the ages of 6 and 14 months. At this age, babies are still too young to care for their teeth on their own. Thus, you’ll need to care for their teeth until they’re capable of doing so. This includes cleaning teeth daily and regularly visiting the family dentist for professional cleanings and exams. Here are some reasons why these tactics are so important.   

Why Early Childhood Teeth Brushing Is So Important 

1. Instill Healthy Dental Habits 

If your child has been accustomed to dental care for as long as they can remember, chances are they’ll be more likely to consider it a normal aspect of their day throughout the rest of their childhood and adolescence.

Familiarizing your little one with the family dentist, brushing, and flossing at as young an age as possible may help to minimize resistance towards these important habits later. Plus, you’ll teach them what it takes to maintain healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime. 

2. Prevent Tooth Decay

family dentistResearch shows 80% of children don’t have their teeth brushed regularly as early as they should. While the recommended age for beginning brushing is as soon as the first tooth erupts, many parents wait until their child reaches the age of two or three to start this habit.

Yet, plaque and tartar can build up all that time, which can lead to cavities. To keep tooth decay at bay, start brushing gently with a child-sized toothbrush and water as soon as the first tooth appears. Once your child is two years of age and knows to spit out toothpaste, you may begin using a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste.

3. Avoid Gum Disease 

In addition to causing cavities, the accumulation of plaque and tartar on teeth in early childhood can also lead to inflammation and gum disease. Moreover, if you’ve experienced gum disease in the past, your child could be more prone to it as well. 

Left unaddressed, gum inflammation can even lead to health issues like body-wide inflammation. Fortunately, cleaning your child’s teeth at home and visiting the family dentist for professional cleanings can help to minimize the risk of gum disease. 


If your little one is due for a dentist’s visit, turn to the office of Christopher F. Heck, DMD - Montgomery General Dentistry in Ohio. This family dentist offers preventive care for patients of all ages, along with cosmetic and restorative treatments. Browse through the practice’s full list of services online or call (513) 794-1884 to schedule an appointment. 
