
Medical devices like pacemakers are supposed to support human health. Unfortunately, such cutting-edge tools aren’t foolproof. While there is some risk associated with any serious health care intervention, some devices are more prone to problems. When they fail or malfunction, they do more harm than good, causing patients additional pain or injury. Learn about three commonly defective medical devices below. 

3 Types of Defective Medical Devices

1. Transvaginal Mesh

Transvaginal mesh is commonly used as a solution for pelvic organ prolapse or as a treatment for incontinence. In some instances, the mesh may erode and, in the worst-case scenario, puncture nearby organs, resulting in internal bleeding. Symptoms of erosion include infection, pelvic pain, pain during sex, and recurrence of prolapse or incontinence. 

2. Joint Replacements

defective medical devicesHip, knee, and shoulder joints made of metal can replace a weakened or damaged joint. The most common problem identified with such devices is that they may break down, releasing toxic compounds into the body and making patients sick. Symptoms include skin rash, neurological changes such as visual or auditory impairment, impaired kidney function, and thyroid dysfunction.

3. Drug-Coated Stents

Stents are tiny tubes that are inserted into an artery to open it up and improve blood flow. Some stents are coated with drugs that slowly release into the system in order to prevent scarring that could result in the artery re-closing. These devices have been linked to a variety of painful health issues including blood clots and heart attacks. In some cases, the stent may migrate, moving elsewhere, and causing blockage or infection.


If you experience complications following the use of one of these commonly defective medical devices, consult Reed & Terry, LLP of Sugar Land, TX. You may be able to take legal action to recoup the costs of resulting medical expenses and other damages, such as added physical and emotional stress. Their lawyers will examine the details of your case, treating you with the compassion you deserve and giving you the honest legal guidance you need. These personal injury attorneys cover an array of practice areas—from car accidents to wrongful death lawsuits. Contact them online for a consultation or call (281) 491-5000.
