
Whether they’re chasing a bird, asking to do their business, or alerting you to danger, your dog is capable of making a wide variety of noises beyond their standard bark. This allows them to communicate with you without a single word in their vocabulary, from begging for food to needing a trip to the veterinarian. Whether you’re a new pup owner or just want to become fluent in dog, here’s a closer look at three of their common sounds.

3 Dog Noises & What They Mean

1. Whining

When your pooch lets out a high-pitched whimpering sound, they usually want you to give them something. For example, they may smell that steak sizzling in the pan or see a new toy on the countertop. On the other hand, they may want you to take them outside or simply give them some attention.

Sometimes, though, dogs whine to convey their anxiety, such as if you put them in a crate or walk away at the boarding facility. In rare cases, they may whine to communicate pain, so always pay attention to the tone and their behavior.

2. Growling

veterinarianThe meaning of this sound greatly depends on the context. For example, if a person they’ve never met has just walked in the front door, a low growl may be a warning—your dog doesn’t want this person to come any closer or try to pet them.

However, if you’re playing tug-of-war with your furry friend, an eager growl might be an invitation to get feisty and pull harder on your end.

3. Sighing

If you’ve ever heard your dog release a loud exhale as they settle into bed or lie down on the cool floor after a long walk, you may have wondered whether they’re feeling all right. Fortunately, this noise usually signals contentment. You don’t have to call the veterinarian—in this case, it's a sign of relaxation that’s quite similar to our use of the sound.


If your dog is making an unusual noise and you believe they might be in pain, take your pet to the veterinarians at TLC Pet Care Centers. This Cincinnati, OH, hospital has been helping animals for over four decades. In addition to dogs, they also treat cats, reptiles, birds, and exotic pets. To learn more about their services, visit the website. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 683-2300 for the East office and (513) 825-4011 for the West location.
