
There are many different hair replacement treatments available to assist men and women who experience thinning or baldness. But when non-surgical techniques don’t deliver the results you’re looking for, you may be a candidate for hair transplantation. This minimally-invasive procedure involves taking healthy hair from your own body and transplanting to bare regions on the head. If you’re curious about how this treatment could transform your appearance and restore your confidence, here’s what you should know.

Common Questions About Hair Transplants

Who should perform hair transplantation?

Transplantation should only be provided by a board-certified doctor who is specifically trained in this surgical hair replacement. Unlike standard cosmetic specialists or general physicians, these specialists are well-versed in the refined tools and techniques that are necessary to ensure safe and successful results.

Does treatment hurt?

Before treatment, you will be given a local anesthetic to prevent your scalp from feeling pain. If necessary, sedation options may be available to help you further relax.

What happens during the procedure?

hair transplantationEvery hair transplantation surgery is unique in that the surgeon will customize the process according to the patient’s needs and areas of baldness. However, these procedures typically follow the same general steps.

After anesthesia is provided, your surgeon will carefully remove a section of healthy hair from the sides or back of the head. This section, also known as a graft, is then carefully bonded to the follicular areas of a bald section. About two to three hairs are grafted to each follicle to recreate a natural appearance of growth.

Who is a strong candidate?

Anyone experiencing hair loss or thinning may be a candidate for transplantation. However, since this procedure does require a healthy graft, ideal patients are those who still have hair growth.

What is recovery like?

Most patients can resume normal activities within two to five days after surgery. Typically, the transplanted hair will fall out soon after the treatment. However, new growth should appear in the following months, with full restoration occurring between six and nine months. Since the sections used for grafts contain hairs designed to grow indefinitely, transplantation should produce long-term or permanent results.


If you want to get a handle on hair loss, New U is here to help restore your appearance. Based in Rochester, NY, this clinic is equipped to diagnose and develop custom solutions to improve balding and thinning, including hair transplantation surgery. Both men and women can enjoy reliable transplants that produce a healthy and full look. To learn more about these hair restoration services, visit this practice online. If you’d like to schedule a one-on-one consultation, call (585) 272-7320.
