
Fresh fruit offers tons of health benefits, but each variety has its unique qualities and nutrients. Oranges and grapefruits are two popular citrus fruits that you can find at your local market. While these two options may look very similar, it’s essential to understand their differences so you can make the best possible choice for your health.

The Difference Between Grapefruits & Oranges

Both fruits are part of the citrus family and offer many of the same vitamins and nutrients. When it comes to appearance, oranges tend to be smaller and have a brighter peel. When you cut into them, grapefruits are usually pink and tart, while oranges are orange and tend to be a bit sweeter, though still tangy. Grapefruits also grow in bunches on trees, while oranges are more spread out.

Health Benefits of Oranges & Grapefruits

fresh fruitBoth citrus fruits offer plenty of vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamin C, potassium, folate, calcium, and magnesium. Oranges tend to have a higher concentration of Vitamin C than grapefruits, but grapefruits offer more in the way of potassium. Overall, both can be beneficial when it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, heart attack, and stroke when combined with a generally healthy diet. Overall, the health differences between these fresh fruits are relatively minor, and both can be incredibly beneficial. Enjoy both as often as you’d like or choose the one that you’re most likely to eat with regularity.


Luckily, you can find both of these fresh fruits at Cranberry Country Market in Tomah, WI. The country market offers plenty of fresh produce, deli meat, baking items, vitamins, and supplements. They also offer weekly specials so you can find amazing deals on all of your favorite grocery items. Visit the store’s website to see a selection of fresh fruit and other items. To ask questions or speak to a team member, call (608) 374-4944.
