
Tree trimming is essential for both practical and aesthetic reasons. When branches and boughs become overgrown, they may diminish curb appeal or fall on your home, resulting in property damage. Rather than attempting to trim them yourself, it’s a good idea to hire a professional company. Read on to learn more about why you should skip the DIY route. 

4 Reasons to Avoid DIY Tree Trimming

1. You Might Injure Yourself 

Tree trimming is dangerous, especially without proper training and experience. If you accidentally run into a power line, you might become electrocuted. It’s also possible for weak branches to fall without warning, causing potentially life-threatening injuries. 

2. You Don’t Have the Right Equipment 

tree trimmingTree trimming requires the use of professional tools, such as pole saws, trimming chains, and cutoff blades. You’ll also need the appropriate safety gear, including a climbing rope and fall protection harness. Since these items may be expensive to purchase and require training to operate correctly, it’s best to leave the job to the arborists. 

3. You Might Make the Problem Worse 

Over-pruning may cause your trees to die due to a lack of ability to access the appropriate nutrients. Over-lifting, or trimming off too many bottom branches, might make the tree top-heavy, causing it to fall and damage your home in inclement weather conditions. 

4. You May Spread Tree Diseases 

Failure to sanitize tree trimming tools may spread diseases to the other foliage on your lawn. Professional arborists will sterilize the equipment with isopropyl alcohol to prevent your yard from becoming unhealthy. 


Keep your lawn lush and beautiful with tree trimming services from Hudson Tree Service. These arborists offer tree care services, including pruning, removal, and stump grinding, to clients throughout Millstadt, IL. Call (618) 233-2900 to set up a regular tree maintenance appointment, and visit the website to learn more about how they can help you keep your outdoor areas in excellent condition. 
