
A new year often represents a fresh start for many people. For some, this means setting health goals, such as losing weight, eating healthfully, or beginning an exercise routine.

However, these chosen goals are often unrealistic and unsustainable, leading most people to break their resolutions within a few weeks. To break this cycle and to keep your New Year's Goals going strong throughout 2020, learn how to set S.M.A.R.T goals.

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting for Weight Loss

Specific:  Make your goals specific. General goals can’t be evaluated.


Measurable:  State your goal in terms of units that can be measured, minutes exercised, number of days you write down what you eat, etc.  Measurable goals can be evaluated.


Attainable:  Set goals that are just out of reach, but not out of sight.  “This week I will walk 5 minutes longer per session than last week.”


Realistic and Relevant:  Pick a goal that is relevant.  “I want to lose 20 pounds so I can cut back on my medications for my diabetes.”


Tied to a deadline:  Time motivates people to get the job done.  If you find yourself struggling with weight loss after a time, try limiting the amount of time you will aggressively work on weight loss. Then give yourself a break and focus on maintenance.


Tips for Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals


Stay the Course

If you slip off track, try again!!  Learn from your lapses.  Here are two questions you can ask yourself after every lapse.  “What did I do well?”  “What will I do differently the next time?”


Periodically Evaluate and Change Your Plan if Needed

Keep in mind your anticipated obstacles and be prepared to either go through them or around them.  Learning how to cope with, manage, or ignore your obstacles is crucial for your success.


Goal Setting Reality Check

Would you expect a close friend or relative to be able to

achieve the goals(s) you set for yourself?  If not, you may be setting unrealistic goals. 


For more information on safe, proven weight loss programs offered in Lincoln, & Omaha NE visit:

