
There are a lot of misconceptions about solar panels. Still, they can be a reliable energy solution for homeowners who want lower utility bills and an environmentally friendly energy source for their home. Before the installation begins, you must choose between roof or ground-mounted panels. Below is a guide for selecting the optimal renewable energy solution for your home.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

The panels allow particles of light from the sun, known as photons, to knock electrons free from the atoms. This process, called the photovoltaic effect, generates energy, which the panels absorb. Since they’re connected to your home’s utility meter, which is part of the electrical grid, the panels convert the energy into electricity to power appliances and electronic devices.

What Are the Differences Between Ground-Mounted & Roof Panels?

solar panelWhile ground-mounted and roof panels work the same way, there are some differences to take into consideration. Ground-mounted solar panels can be installed anywhere on your property, and they require more materials and time to install than roof panels. If you have a lot of land, ground-mounted is ideal because you can install a larger system that generates more energy and saves more money on utility bills.

Roof panels are installed on the top of the house, which means they are typically less visible, take up less space, and receive more direct sun than a ground-mounted system. If a gravel base is installed under a ground mount, however, both systems are virtually maintenance-free.

Which Should You Choose?

As you’re deciding about a solar panel system, talk to a professional who can go through the specifics of each type. If you don’t have a lot of land, and your house requires less energy, a roof system could be the optimal fit for you. If you have plenty of land and are willing to pay more up-front for the installation, a ground-mounted system could save you more on utility bills in the long run. Both options have benefits and drawbacks that a solar panel expert can explain to you in detail.


If you’re considering solar panels for your home, let Star City Solar in Miamisburg, OH, help you harness the power of the sun. They serve Dayton, Cincinnati, and the rest of south-central Ohio. Their trusted technicians will help you choose between ground or roof panels so that you find the perfect renewable energy solution for your home. They can even estimate your annual utility savings beforehand. Learn more about their services online, or call (937) 572-5497 today to schedule an appointment.
