
Septic systems are environmentally friendly devices for waste management. Since all the water that goes through your plumbing is processed by the equipment, excessive consumption can lead to premature wear. Here are a few guidelines to help you use less water for the benefit of your system and the planet.

How to Use Less Water at Home

1. Fill Up the Sink When Washing Dishes

A modern kitchen sink uses 2.2 gallons of water per minute. Instead of constantly running the tap when washing the dishes, try filling one basin with soapy water for washing. Fill the other half of the fixture with clean water for rinsing.

If you have a single sink, fill two of your largest bowls with soapy and clean water for washing and rinsing. 

2. Revamp Your Shower

septic systemThe average showerhead pushes out more than 2.5 gallons of water per minute, which can tax your septic system. Try updating your shower with a low-flow showerhead that consumes less than two gallons of water per minute. Save even more by taking ten-minute showers, and switching off the tap while you’re shaving or washing your hair.  

3. Don’t Overwater Your Garden

You don’t have to let your grass go brown to protect your septic tank. Installing a shutoff device into your sprinkler system is an easy way to conserve water. The handy device contains an internal valve that automatically shuts off the sprinklers when it detects a wasteful leak. 

You can also use barrels to capture rainwater for hydrating your plants. If you have a large yard, utilize a drip irrigation system that only delivers the amount of water your plants require.


For septic system maintenance and repair, trust the experts at Scott Robbins Septic Tank Service in Denton, NC. Family-owned and -operated for more than 20 years, they’ve provided 24/7 service to ensure the full functionality of septic tanks. Visit their website for a look at their services or call (336) 880-0859 to schedule an appointment. 
