
Learning that you need a root canal can be intimidating; however, the procedure isn’t painful, and it could save your tooth. Root canals are often needed when tooth fillings can’t fix advanced decay. They replace the inner portions of the tooth with special compounds to ward off infection. Here’s how they work and what to expect. 

Understanding Root Canals

What Are Root Canals? 

Root canals are necessary when the tooth is damaged internally, either through advanced decay or physical trauma. The procedure eliminates the pain and cleans up the infection. Before it begins, a dentist will work carefully to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding jaw tissue. Rubber dental dams are placed around the tooth to prevent cross-contamination and to make sanitizing the area easier. 

tooth fillingTo perform the root canal, a dental professional will create a small access point into the biting surface of the tooth and use special tools to remove infected pulp and nerves from inside the tooth. Next, the entire interior of the tooth is cleaned and sanitized, and it’s filled with a special rubberized compound called gutta-percha. Finally, dentists use a composite resin material to create a tooth filling where the access point was. 

What Should You Expect Afterward?  

After a root canal, you may experience some general, localized soreness from the procedure. However, since the nerves and blood supply of the tooth are removed during a root canal, pain and discomfort will cease, and infection is less of a threat.

Since teeth without their own blood supply may become brittle, your dentist will recommend placing a crown to cover the tooth filling. Directly following the root canal, they may place a temporary crown over the impacted tooth. In many cases, patients who receive a temporary crown will be asked to return to have a permanent one put in on a later date. 


If you’ve been living with dental discomfort, turn to the specialists at Waterford Dental Health. With years of experience helping their patients with everything from tooth fillings to cosmetic concerns, they will improve the look and feel of your smile. To learn more about how they can assist you, visit their website or call (860) 447-2235.
