
Great landscape design improves the exterior of your home by making it more visually appealing. It can also make the area look bigger, which is a must when you have a small backyard that you want to make the most of. Below are a few tips on expanding the space with the right landscaping decisions. 

How Can I Use Landscape Design to Make My Backyard Look Bigger?

1. Choose Trees Wisely

All yards can accommodate new trees, regardless of their size. The key is to pick the right type of tree for the space. For example, columnar trees tend to have more height than width, so they won’t overwhelm a small yard. If you line the perimeter of your yard with thin, tall trees, you can add some greenery to the area without all the clutter. 

2. Create Levels

landscape designUsing terraces to build up, as opposed to out, allows you to maximize the enjoyment of your yard. Different spaces may be used for different purposes. One terrace can be used for sitting, while another can feature flower beds or plants. You can also offset them at different levels, creating greater visual disparity. 

3. Stay Away From Bulky Lawn Furniture

Delicate lawn furniture with simple designs won’t overwhelm the area like bulkier, more elaborate pieces. More compact furniture also leaves you more room to plan other areas of the yard. Creating different areas lets you get more out of the yard, while also keeping it organized. Choose smaller round tables or skinny rectangular glass tables. You can also choose lawn chairs that fold up, increasing your space when they are not in use. 

4. Add Textures

Pairing different textures in the same space can create the illusion of depth, which makes the yard look bigger. Mixing textures is also more interesting from a visual perspective. Combine hardscaping and landscaping elements, including decorative rocks, different styles of plants, and walkway pavers for the best result. 

Are you unsatisfied with the look and feel of your backyard in Long Valley, NJ? If so, DRS Lawn & Landscape LLC can help. For more than 28 years, these talented landscapers have provided a variety of services to local homeowners and businesses. The can help you design a new landscape from the ground up, as well as construct the perfect hardscaping elements to get the most out of your space. They also offer maintenance services so that your lawn and garden will look amazing all year long. Call (908) 879-0600 for more information or visit the website to get started on your free estimate. 