
While you might associate braces with teenagers, more and more dentists are recommending orthodontic treatment for young kids. This early intervention can prevent more serious dental issues from developing in the future, in addition to offering the following benefits.

Why You Should Consider Early Orthodontic Care for Your Child

1. Reduces Treatment Timeline

When children get braces at young ages, their jaws and mouths adjust, leaving room for permanent teeth to grow correctly. Once the braces are removed, your child should be able to avoid the need for tooth removal or more orthodontic treatment in the future.

2. Prevents Crowding

orthodonticsCrowding occurs when there's insufficient room for a child's adult teeth to grow. Along with pushing other teeth out of position over time, crowding also makes flossing more difficult when teeth are too close together. Braces make more room around the jaw, which ensures permanent teeth have room to grow.

3. Stops Speech Problems From Occurring

Overbites are common in kids, as the top front teeth overlap the bottom. However, this issue can prevent proper placement of the tongue to create certain speech sounds, resulting in speaking problems. Correcting an overbite with orthodontics can lessen or even remove speech difficulties altogether.

4. Improves Confidence

Along with the many dental implications of misalignment and spacing issues, many children also experience lowered confidence and self-esteem due to crooked teeth. These effects can have a lasting impact on a child, even after problems have been corrected. Getting braces early will shield your child from these self-esteem issues throughout adolescence.


If you think your child may need braces, the orthodontics team at BridgeView Dental Group is happy to answer your questions. Located in Kodiak, AK, this dental clinic treats overbites, underbites, and misalignments. Along with traditional metal braces, they also offer Invisalign®, which is ideal for patients in search of less conspicuous treatment options. Schedule an appointment today by calling (907) 486-3257, or visit them online to learn more about their orthodontic services.
