
Like any appliance, your home’s washing machine is an investment that you’ll want to keep in excellent shape for as long as possible. Of course, as with any machine, it’s also prone to breakdowns and other issues as a result of improper use. The following items should therefore never be placed in your machine, not only because it could ruin your clothes, but also because it could lead to a need for washer repairs.

5 Objects to Never Put in the Washer

1. Rubber

If you have floor mats with rubber backs, skip the washing machine and simply vacuum these regularly or spot clean them as needed. A run through the washer can cause the rubber on the backside of these mats to disintegrate. Over time, the rubber can get caught in the machine and clog pipes or filters.

2. Metal Items

Metal components like keys, screws, and bolts could tear at fabrics, putting holes in your favorite garments. Plus, they can make their way into filters or pipes or compromise your machine’s drum. While washer repair can often address these issues, it’s best to prevent them in the first place.

3. Clothing With Flammable Stains

washer repairGasoline, alcohol, and cooking oil are flammable substances which should be hand-treated before going into the wash. Any garment soiled with these materials could catch fire if thrown directly into the wash. Handwashing the item with a solvent-based stain remover is your best course of action in these cases.

4. Pet Hair

If you have a shedding pet, make a point to remove excess fur from clothing, blankets, and pet bed covers before laundering them. Not only will these fabrics come out cleaner, but you’ll also minimize the risk of clogging the holes in your drum and drain pipes.

5. Excess Detergent

While a little too much detergent here or there may not cause issues warranting washer repair, it can leave a soap residue on your clothing. On a repeated basis, too much detergent could even cause soap buildup to form in your machine, which may attract mold. Stick to the product recommendations to prevent the need for washer repairs. 


Of course, even when you follow sensible practices, it’s always possible for washing machines to malfunction. If that happens, the team from Carolina Appliance Service can help. Specializing in washer repairs along with service for dryers, stoves, and refrigerators, this team has been serving the Charlotte, NC, community since 1993. Explore their full list of services online or call (704) 847-0004 to schedule a visit.
