
Weight loss is a rewarding way to begin the new year, and dieting plays a large role in how your easy it is to lose those extra pounds. Often, the most convenient foods options are the worst for your weight and health. Avoiding these foods—including potato chips and white bread—will make fulfilling your New Year’s resolution much easier.

What Foods Should You Avoid When Dieting?

1. Fruit Juice

While they may seem healthy, fruit juices rarely contain real fruit. Like sodas and energy drinks, most fruit juices are loaded with sugar and are high in calories.

To quench your thirst, drink water. If you have a desire for apples or grapes, reach for the real thing instead of the juice.

2. White Bread

Weight lossWhite bread is the easiest to find in any grocery or convenience store, but it isn’t always the healthiest choice. Even eating two pieces of white bread a day in a sandwich can spike your blood sugar to unsafe levels.

There are several alternatives to white bread that are safe to eat. Almond flour bread, cornbread, and Ezekiel bread are both healthy and tasty.

3. Potato Chips

Potato chips are delicious but contain no nutritional value. Like french fries, they’re high in sodium, and very fattening. Since so many can be eaten in a short time, chips contribute more to weight increases than most other foods.

Boiled potatoes offer a natural taste and are filling. They’re also healthier than the fried or roasted choices. For the same crunchy sensation as potato chips, kale chips are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants.

4. Pastries

The refined flour and high levels of sugar make pastries tasty but unhealthy. Cakes, cookies, pies are high in calories but aren’t actually filling. You’ll get hungry again very soon after eating them while also increasing the amount of weight you need to lose. 

That doesn’t mean that all treats are bad for your weight loss efforts. Dark chocolate is sweet, high in fiber, and can help lower your blood pressure. Fruits are naturally sweet and have high nutritional and mineral content, which will benefit your overall health.

5. High-Fiber Snack Bars

Foods with high fiber will give you a full feeling even while you’re dieting. They also give a boost to your digestive system. However, fiber-rich snack bars provide too much of it at once, which can cause an upset stomach.

Balance your fiber intake throughout the day with fruits and vegetables like bananas, apples, carrots, and broccoli.



Dieting is one of the many strategies you can use to lose weight. At Gulf Coast UltraSlim in Foley, AL, you’ll receive weight loss assistance through non-surgical methods. From their FDA-approved red light system to their VitaminMed supplements, you can lose weight safely and quickly. To make an appointment, reach out to them at (251) 943-4948. For more information on their full-body weight loss treatments, visit their website.
