
Running is a fantastic way to promote your physical well-being on its own, but a chiropractor can help you magnify your potential. One of the reasons why running is healthy is because it puts stress on your body, but that’s also why you could benefit from assistance with recovery or simply improving your physical ability to handle it. That’s what chiropractic care offers, and it does so in a variety of ways. 

3 Health Advantages a Chiropractor Offers Runners 

1. Prevents & Heals Injuries 

If you’re an avid runner, or if you tend to run with poor form or unsupportive shoes, you’re prone to developing certain injuries due to overuse, like sprained ankles and muscle tearing or tendon and ligament inflammation in your shins, calves, legs, or back.

With soft tissue massage therapy, a chiropractor can ease inflammation and improve the flow of blood and oxygen in your muscles, ligaments, and tendons, accelerating the healing process. Receiving treatments regularly keeps your tissue limber enough to reduce the likelihood that you’ll sustain injuries in the first place. 

2. Helps With Spinal Alignment 

chiropractorRunning with poor form often means placing unnecessary stress on your joints and back, often resulting in back injury and spinal misalignment. As experts in spinal manipulation and adjustment, chiropractors can relieve this pain and set your spine straight again. In turn, this may resolve pain that you could be feeling in other areas that are affected by spinal misalignment, including your arms, legs, hips, neck, or head. 

3. Improves Performance 

To run, your spine and muscles are not the only parts of your body that need attention; it’s important to take care of your overall health as well. For example, running is much more difficult when you’re sleep-deprived. 

By alleviating back pain and symptoms of sleep apnea, a chiropractor may help you sleep better. If you often find yourself tempted to skip running because of headaches, chiropractic treatment can cure that, too. Soft tissue massage therapy can even improve breathing, a vital component of running without getting sick or injured.  

Runners in Cincinnati, OH, can enjoy all these benefits and more by contacting Eastern Hills Chiropractic to meet with a chiropractor. Having been in business since 1988, Dr. Matthew Haumesser has extensive experience in applying holistic treatments designed to promote both short- and long-term health for runners. He can also offer expert nutrition advice to help support your exercise and get the best possible results. Make an appointment today by calling (513) 528-2200 or sending a message online
