
The condition of your home’s foundation is vital to the integrity and safety of your property, but some significant problems may not be immediately evident to homeowners. Here are three tips to help you spot possible  foundation repair concerns.

How to Identify Possible Foundation Problems at Home

1. Pay Attention to Windows

When a foundation shifts out of place, other elements of a home will fall out of alignment. Windows will be significantly affected by shifting foundations. Pay attention to the way they open and close. They may stick or not move at all.

Place a leveling tool atop of a window’s frame. If it’s not square, have a foundation repair professional take a look as soon as possible.

2. Monitor the Way Doors Close

Cincinnati, OH foundation repairDoors inside a home may also behave strangely when foundation repair is an issue. When you try to open an interior door, it may stick in place or drag instead of moving fluidly. An exterior door may appear as if it’s hanging out of its frame and look slightly askew.

3. Cracks on the Walls

If cracks develop around doors and windows anywhere in the home, the foundation may have shifted. Cracks are particularly indicative of foundation problems if they appear around several doors and windows. Also, if you previously patched a small fracture and it reopens, your foundation may be shifting or resettling.


Don’t allow foundation problems to fester. Turn to the professionals at Cook Waterproofing in Cincinnati, OH, for prompt assistance. Offering foundation repairs, they can deliver a full range of services, from minor cracks to significant damage. They can also assist with waterproofing basements after flooding, resolve sump pump concerns, and assess the quality of your drainage system. To schedule an appointment to protect your home, give them a call at (513) 486-6676.
