
Leaking plumbing parts can inflict water damage within a home, leaving rotted structural components, mold and mildew infestations, and high utility bills in their wake. Yet household damages are merely some of the problems leaks cause—they also can do serious environmental harm. Learn how leaks from faulty plumbing parts can impact the planet.

How Do Plumbing Leaks Harm The Planet?

Gallons Of Water Wasted

Household leaks waste the world’s most vital resource: water. One household can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water annually, resulting in up to 1 trillion lost gallons in the United States every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s annual Fix A Leak Week, happening March 16 through 22, 2020, brings awareness to this environmental issue. For instance, if a household of four is using more than 12,000 gallons a month, there is likely a severe leak.

plumbing partsIn addition to wasting water, leaks also consume extra energy. Leaks reduce pipe pressure, causing plumbing systems to work harder to keep water flowing. Energy bills increase and parts wear out faster, resulting in premature replacement of plumbing parts.

Common Types Of Leaks

Leaks often start when different plumbing parts loosen or deteriorate from years of use, such as old toilet flappers and o-rings. A running toilet from a leaking float ball wastes about one gallon of water per 30 seconds. Old or worn faucet gaskets and washers can cause leaks as well. A leaky faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons per year, according to the EPA. Loose showerhead connections that drip ten times per minute waste over 500 gallons a year.

Other plumbing leaks occur from cracked and burst pipes. Uninsulated pipes allow water to freeze and expand, resulting in cracked or burst pipes depending on their age and condition.


If you need replacement plumbing parts, visit Lincoln Winnelson in Lincoln, NE. The plumbing supply store has served the Greater Lincoln area since 1990 and features a knowledgeable staff ready to answer all questions and match customers with the best parts for their job. Call (402) 423-1610 today with product inquires or visit the showroom online.
