
Good gut bacteria are essential to healthy digestion, as well as a healthy life. That’s why many doctors emphasize the importance of maintaining good gut health to their patients. Here are a few steps you can take to improve yours today.

How to Boost the Health of Your Digestive System

1. Cut Back on Processed Foods

Processed foods are harder to digest compared to fruits and vegetables. This has to do with their fat content, which is harder for the stomach to break down. Additionally, the sugar and additives in many processed foods can also irritate the stomach and disrupt the level of good bacteria, leading to digestive problems like constipation and gas.

2. Incorporate a Probiotic Into Your Diet

Probiotics are foods that contain healthy bacteria to keep your gut balanced. Yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut all contain probiotics that boost the levels of good bacteria while reducing the bad. You can also take probiotic supplements for the same purpose. 

3. Lower Stress Levels

doctorsHave you ever been so worried that you gave yourself an upset stomach? Stress affects many bodily functions, including digestion. Try to eliminate any problems that give you stress in your daily life. Also, look for stress-lowering techniques, such as meditation, journaling, or yoga. 

4. Be Physically Active

You don’t need to be a star athlete to benefit from regular exercise. Even just a brisk walk after dinner offers numerous benefits. Not only does it relieve stress, but it also encourages healthy digestion. 

5. Drink Plenty of Water

A lack of water in the colon can lead to constipation, as well as gas and bloating. The more water you drink, the better your digestive system will function, especially when you also eat a healthy diet. Most doctors recommend drinking two liters per day, which is about eight 8-ounce glasses. 


Being proactive about health and wellness means caring about what goes into your body. It also entails working with a kind and compassionate doctor, like those at Bayside Community Hospital in Anahuac, TX. Along with on-site lab testing and surgical procedures, their wellness clinic also offers preventative care in the form of fitness and nutrition advice. Call (409) 267-3143 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about what they do.
