
Few New Year’s resolutions will do more for your confidence than nurturing your smile. By resolving to improve your oral health, you’ll establish habits that will benefit you for many years. Simple changes to your oral hygiene and daily habits are all it takes. Follow these dentist-approved tips to get started.

5 Tips for a Healthier Smile in the New Year

1. Upgrade Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Start timing yourself when you brush your teeth. Your goal should be a full two minutes twice per day. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and use a back-and-forth motion on all sides of your teeth.

If you don’t floss regularly, start now, as this is a valuable dental tool that too many people ignore. Floss reaches areas that toothbrush bristles can’t to remove bacteria and debris from between teeth. This reduces the amount of plaque, which can lead to gum disease and tooth loss.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is linked to an increased risk of gum disease. This is because smoking weakens the immune system, making it more difficult to fight off gum infection. Left untreated, periodontal disease results in serious consequences, including lost teeth. 

3. Modify Your Diet

dentistEliminate sugary goods like candies and colas from your diet. Their sweet ingredients attract cavity-causing bacteria.

Stick to a mouth-healthy diet, including sufficient calcium, which builds healthy teeth, and vitamin C, which is essential for strong gums.

4. Chew Sugarless Gum

According to the American Dental Association, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating helps prevent tooth decay. The saliva that chewing produces rinses away bacteria and debris. Saliva also helps balance the pH in your mouth; if the mouth becomes too acidic, the protective enamel coating on teeth wears away.

5. See Your Dentist Regularly

You should see your dentist twice a year for a checkup. This is an opportunity for a thorough cleaning with professional dentistry tools, such as a scraping device to remove plaque buildup. In tandem with your daily home routine, dental visits are the key to strong teeth and gums. A checkup is also a chance to identify signs of oral health issues before you may notice them yourself.


Start 2020 off on the right tooth. Larry G. Hubbard, DDS offers top-quality dentistry services in Statesboro, GA. The team at this dental clinic is dedicated to patient comfort and will give you a beautiful smile while ensuring you’re at ease during every appointment. Their state-of-the-art services include dental implants, tooth extractions, crowns, and more. To schedule an appointment with a dentist, call (912) 764-9891. Find all the patient information you need online.
