
You may need to rely on the HVAC system consistently throughout the year, so a mechanical failure can be especially inconvenient. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure the various components of the system will continue to run efficiently. Following the suggestions listed below can help you identify problems earlier, so your family won’t be abruptly left without the use of the system.

4 Tips for Extending the Life of the HVAC Unit

1. Check Filters Regularly

The HVAC unit will work more efficiently if you check and replace the filters every two or three months. Dirty filters force the unit to work harder to push air through the system, which means you’re using more energy to provide the same level of comfort. Additionally, making sure the filters are clean will help you improve the indoor air quality of your home.

2. Keep the Condenser Free of Debris

The condenser is the large unit that sits outside of your home. While it’s exterior is designed to guard against the damage that inclement weather and debris might cause, you should be aware that smaller stones, sticks, leaves, and litter can still pose a problem. Be sure to keep the area around the condenser clean. You should also inspect the hoses leading from the condenser to your home for damage since a damaged hose can inhibit the efficiency of the unit.

3. Start the Season With an Inspection 

HVACYou should contact an HVAC technician at the start of the season and ask them to give the entire system a checkup. This type of preventive maintenance will ensure your system is ready for heavier use. The technician will also be able to identify developing problems, so you can budget for those repairs. In some cases, repairs done earlier can help you save on bigger repair jobs that would otherwise be necessary down the road. 

4. Check Your Home for Leaks

Even a small leak can be enough to put a significant drain on your energy usage. As cooled air escapes through a crevice or crack, the system will be forced to work harder to compensate for that loss. If your system seems to be continuously running, this may be an indication that there are leaks around your window and door frames. Walk around the exterior of the house and feel for cold drafts. Once you find a leak, seal it up with caulk or foam.


If you suspect there is a problem with the HVAC system, you should schedule service from a qualified technician as soon as possible. Richmond Hill Air Conditioning can help you locate potential problems early, and their experienced technicians will have the tools and skills to repair the problem as cost-effectively as possible. They promise same day service and they can always be reached via their 24/7 phone line. To schedule service, visit their website or call (912) 756-2288.
