
Even if you practice regular dental care, you may still experience dental sensitivity. This condition can be uncomfortable and could be caused by a variety of different problems, many of which require a trip to the dentist. To help overcome this issue and get the care you need, here are answers to a few common questions.

A Guide to Tooth Sensitivity

What is the difference between tooth pain and tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity causes pain some of the time but does not produce a constant ache. Instead, it responds to specific conditions, like heat, cold, or pressure. Figuring out what triggers your sensitivity can help lead to a treatment.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

There are several possible causes. Many people experience temporary sensitivity after a teeth whitening treatment. Chronic sensitivity is often due to injury, decay, a poorly fitted filling, or too much wear and tear on the enamel. Gum disease can also expose the roots of your teeth, which have no protective enamel, making them more vulnerable than the rest of the tooth.

What are the treatment options?

Dental CareYour dental care provider will start by identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the sensitivity. For example, if you have a loose filling, they will replace it, or if you grind your teeth, they may give you a nightguard to prevent any more wear. Often they will recommend specially formulated toothpaste to minimize discomfort and fluoride treatments to build the enamel back up. If the enamel is especially worn, they might suggest crowns or dental bonding to protect the surface of the tooth.

When should I see a dentist?

Minor sensitivity that goes away within a few weeks is not a serious dental care problem. If the discomfort is severe, make an appointment right away. You should also notify your dentist if the sensitivity lasts more than a few weeks or if it gets worse over time, as this indicates the underlying cause is also getting worse.


If you need dental care for sensitive teeth on the island of Oahu, visit Dentaworks Hawaii. Based in Honolulu, HI, Dr. Douglas Chang and his staff have over 30 years of experience providing routine and emergency dental care for children and adults throughout the community. Visit their website to learn about their services, or call (808) 528-1200 for an appointment.
