
Getting rid of those few extra pounds gained during the holidays is something a lot of people think about after the New Year. Resolutions to start exercise routines and healthy eating habits are often hot topics, leading to misconceptions about dieting. Not all of those quick-dieting techniques are healthy, and many physicians encourage people to try these few tips and tricks instead.

How to Shed Pounds After the Holidays

1. Drink Water

Water is the best way to flush out your system of all the added sodium and fat that your body may try to store. In the thick of family gatherings, try drinking a glass of water before each meal so you’re full and aren’t tempted to indulge as much.

2. Lift Weights 

If you sign up for a gym membership, be committed to your cardio as well as you’re weightlifting. While getting your heart pumping on the elliptical or treadmill can help, weightlifting has proven to be the best way to burn fat while sculpting lean muscles.

Resistance training is particularly important for women and can help improve flexibility and weight management. If you’re not sure if you’re healthy enough for weightlifting, consult your physician about your concerns.

3. Eat Leafy Greens

physicians-KYHoliday foods are typically not full of enough fiber, whole grains, or fruits and vegetables. If you indulged a little too much during big family gatherings, turn your eating habits around with healthy portions of leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and arugula. Combine a bowl of these greens with a lean protein, such as fish or chicken, to keep you full without the extra calories.

4. Throw Out Leftovers

Purging your refrigerator of all the holiday leftovers can help. If it makes you uncomfortable to throw things away after that big family dinner, buy some cheaper Tupperware and pack up leftovers for others to take home. You’ll be preparing your future self for healthy snacking by not keeping these foods in the house.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep

If weight management has been a concern, your physician may ask about how much sleep you’re getting. Lack of sleep can cause your body to release the stress hormone, cortisol, that tells your body to conserve fat and energy. As a New Year’s resolution, stick to a strict sleeping schedule that gives you eight to nine hours every night, which will help keep the pounds off and your brain sharp.


Our team of health care providers can assist you with your resolutions for a healthier New Year.   For more information, please visit us online for a complete listing of providers and services.
