
For many people, dental cavities are fortunately few and far between. Yet, this also makes them easy to overlook, especially since their symptoms can emerge slowly over time. Understanding these warning signs is essential, as cavities should be treated in the earliest stage possible to prevent decay from spreading. From toothaches to sensitivity, here are the common indicators that could suggest a cavity.

How Do I Know If I Have a Cavity?

1. Persistent Toothache

One of the most common signs of a cavity is a toothache that doesn’t go away over time. Some people experience a constant, dull pain, while others may feel sharper, nagging discomfort that comes and goes. Often, pain is more intense upon biting down. Toothaches are typically localized when caused by cavities, whereas gum issues may cause more widespread discomfort.

2. Visible Hole or Discoloration

toothacheIf you think you have a cavity, look closely in the mirror and you may be able to confirm your suspicion. In some cases, a tiny hole may be visible, especially if you shine a light in your mouth. In other instances, small white spots or brownish discoloration could suggest decay. Even if you can’t spot visible symptoms, it’s a good idea to have dental x-rays taken to check for what could be a small, developing cavity.

3. Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can have multiple causes, including gum recession. This symptom causes pain, which can range from mild to intense, when eating and drinking hot or cold foods and beverages. It can also occur when having sweets or when exposed to cold air. If you tend to notice this symptom in one specific area of the mouth, take note. It may suggest a cavity, which allows for cold or hot substances to reach the more sensitive inner layers of the tooth, causing discomfort.


Whether you have a toothache or you’re due for a cleaning, turn to Rydell Family Dental for all of your oral care needs. Serving Hayward, WI, this dentist’s office has been trusted in the community for more than 24 years. From general dentistry to pediatric, restorative, and cosmetic services, they’re the area’s one-stop source for quality dental care. Browse through their full scope of services online or call (715) 634-4864 to schedule an appointment.
