
Most people have infrequent contact with the legal system and may only need to hire an attorney once or twice in their lives. Others, however, require legal advice regularly or anticipate complex issues that necessitate legal representation. In these situations, having an attorney on retainer provides peace of mind and access to counsel when you need it. Here is what you need to know about such an arrangement.

What Is a Retainer?

Most attorneys work on an hourly basis, and some send their clients a monthly bill for services rendered. However, if a case promises to be long and complex, the lawyer may ask the client to pay in advance. This money, known as the retainer, is deposited into an escrow account from which the attorney deducts their fees as they render services.

Real estate investors, business owners, and others who require frequent legal services often have a law firm on retainer. If they are negotiating a sale, drawing up a contract, or encountering any other issue, they can consult with the attorney they have already hired, who then takes their fees out of the retainer.

What Are the Benefits?

attorneyThe retainer arrangement allows clients to develop long-term relationships with a law firm they trust—one that understands the intricacies of their legal needs. Investors and business owners, in particular, often need advice on a diverse range of issues, from reviewing contracts to zoning variance applications. Having an attorney on retainer gives these individuals peace of mind and ensures they have access to the prompt representation they need.

Others who anticipate complex legal issues, such as a contentious child custody matter, may also benefit from arranging legal counsel in advance. The retainer arrangement allows you to choose a law firm before your case begins, which gives you time to consider your options carefully and make appropriate choices.


No matter your legal needs, the attorneys at LaRowe Gerlach Taggart LLP have the experience and diverse background to meet them. With over 175 years of combined experience in a wide range of practice areas, they proudly serve clients throughout Adams, Columbia, Dane, Juneau, Richland, and Sauk counties, WI. Visit their website for more on their extensive array of legal services, get more legal insight on Facebook, or call (608) 524-8231 to schedule a consultation with a member of the team.
