
Thinking of embarking on a commercial landscaping project? One practical addition would be creating an outdoor seating area where your employees can enjoy lunch in the fresh air and sunshine. Not only is this a thoughtful gesture, but it can directly help your business as the guide below explains.

3 Reasons to Add an Outdoor Eating Area During Commercial Landscaping

1. Increased Productivity

Taking a break from technology and being around natural stimuli can lead to a boost in creativity and one’s ability to focus. In fact, a study performed by the University of Kansas revealed that spending time in nature significantly improves concentration, which can help your staff with their projects.

2. Higher Morale

commercial landscapingSimilar research from the University of Sussex shows that happiness can increase by eating lunch outdoors. Being outside is supposed to lower your stress levels and blood pressure, as well as provide a better opportunity for physical activity—for example, by encouraging employees to take a walk after eating to digest. Not only are your staff likely to do better work when they are content, but it can also increase morale within the office, which can help lower turnover rates.

3. Better Health

When employees eat outside, they’re given the opportunity to soak in some vitamin D—an essential vitamin from the sun. It’s responsible for maintaining strong bones, helping the immune system fight off bacteria, and helping nerves carry messages from the brain to the body. This can positively affect their health, leading to better work output and fewer sick days.


If you’re ready to give your employees an outdoor oasis to enjoy their lunch, contact the residential and commercial landscaping team at Dreamscapes. Located in Lincoln, NE, and serving the area for over 30 years, they have helped clients by installing everything from outdoor kitchens to retaining walls. Visit their website to learn more about their capabilities. Contact them at (402) 421-7496 for a free quote.
