
What you feed your horses impacts their health and quality of life. Horse feed provides essential nutrients to these majestic animals, and their nutritional needs vary depending on individual circumstances. This guide explains the common types of horse feed and their many benefits.

Which Horse Feed Should You Use?

1. Oats

This feed is excellent for bulking up your horse’s diet, but they don’t offer much nutritional value. That’s why many people combine oats with another, more nutritious source of food. Oats may be provided whole, or you can crush or roll them together.

2. Beet Pulp

Conversely, beet pulp provides nutrients like protein and carbohydrates. It is also a fantastic source of water when you soak the pulp before giving it to horses. This feed increases a horse’s energy, which is why many provide it to working animals. 

3. Pellets

Horse FeedSome prefer pellets over sweet feed. It makes it easier to track your horses nutrition, maintain an ideal weight and can be easier on older or sick horses. In addition it allows for less mess, and since it stores better then most feeds, less waste.

4. Sweet Feed

While molasses is usually a mainstay of this feed, most horse owners customize feed mixes to fit their specific goals. Sweet feed also boosts energy, especially when the molasses content is high. Corn, oats, and nutritional supplements are often in this food mixture. 

5. Hay

Hay is an equine superfood since it provides bulk as well as nutrients. How much hay your horse eats depends on its size, as well as the other types of food they eat. Horses can eat up to 20 pounds a day, but only when it’s the primary source of their nutrition.


Where do you turn when you need essential livestock supplies? Bethel Feed & Supply Pet & Garden Center has more than 161 years of experience supporting local ranchers and farmers. If you need a unique blend, they will create a horse feed to your exact specifications. They also provide other horse supplies, including buckets and feeders. Visit them online to see their inventory or call (513) 734-2246 for more information. 
