
Parents strive to keep their children’s teeth healthy as they develop. Along with teaching your little one proper brushing and flossing habits, it’s important to make healthy choices when it comes to their food. To help you avoid dentist appointments for cavities, here are a few tips on choosing tooth-friendly snacks.


Serve fruits and vegetables. 

The best snacks for your child’s oral health are fruits and vegetables. In particular, apples, celery, carrots, and other crunchy options can scrub the teeth and remove plaque. Peanut butter makes these foods attractive to children.

Leafy greens like spinach and kale contain folic acid, which promotes gum health. Serve these as sides and encourage your little one to eat them by drizzling them with a bit of lemon juice or olive oil.

Incorporate dairy.

Milk, cheese, and other dairy products contain plenty of calcium, phosphates, and vitamin D, which strengthen and protect your child’s teeth. In addition, cheese (especially aged cheeses like cheddar and Swiss) helps stimulate saliva, which fights cavities by washing away food particles that attract bacteria.

Take time between snacks.

dentistEven if you only serve healthier options, give your kids a few hours between snacks. During that time, saliva will wash away food particles from the teeth. On the other hand, when you snack too frequently, bacteria will have more time to feed on the particles, increasing the risk of plaque and tooth decay.


Offer too many sticky, chewy candies. 

Avoid sticky, chewy snacks such as jelly beans, taffy, caramel, and syrup. These foods cling to the teeth, making it difficult for saliva to wash away the sugar. If your child does eat this type of snack, have them drink water or brush their teeth immediately after to cleanse their mouth of food particles. 

Rely on white starches.

Most chips contain starches made from white flour, which break down into simple sugars when consumed, increasing the risk of tooth decay. White breads and pastas also present this risk. To prevent cavities, opt for whole wheat breads and pastas.

Serve sugary treats throughout the day.

If you plan to give your child a sugary treat, save it for dessert. While sugar can contribute to cavities, serving it after meals is the healthiest option. Saliva production typically increases after eating, so the sugar from the treat will wash away more easily. 


To help your child’s smile stay healthy and bright, turn to the gentle, experienced dentists at La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry in La Crosse County, WI. Dr. Jon Hanks and his caring staff provide comprehensive dental care to children of all ages. They’ll work hard to keep your little one comfortable and calm. Learn more about this trusted children’s dentist online, and call (608) 782-4054 to schedule an appointment.
