
Your doctor will likely not recommend removing earwax unless it’s causing an issue. While a buildup of wax can become problematic, normal levels provide healing and protective properties. If you experience any uncomfortable ear symptoms, get them assessed by your doctor. Here’s what you need to know about earwax removal.

About Earwax

Some wax is beneficial for the ears and provides antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Earwax is meant to catch outside debris and move it away from the eardrum. If all wax is removed, it can result in dry, itchy ears, which can also be uncomfortable.

An excess buildup of wax and debris can harden in the ear canal if left for a long time, causing a blockage or damaging the eardrum. Blockages can result in earaches, ear infections, and potential hearing loss. Excessive earwax can also inhibit the natural drainage of the ears and circulation of fluid that removes debris. The vagus nerve can also become impinged at the outer ear and cause a cough.


doctorIf serious issues are not present, you can remove the wax by applying a few drops of mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide to the ear canal with an eyedropper. Drain the solution by tilting your head to the side and stretching the outer ear. Refrain from trying to remove dry earwax with a pointy instrument or cotton swab. This can push wax deeper into the ears and damage surrounding tissue.

Your doctor may use several instruments to assess and remove earwax. An otoscope illuminates the inner ear and magnifies detail. Wax can then be identified and removed with a small, curved instrument called a curet. The treatment is completed with a flush of the canal using warm water in a syringe.


Monroe Urgent Care is a cost-effective, patient-focused family medicine clinic in Monroe, OH. Staff members and doctors have over seven years of experience and offer treatment for non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries like sprains, muscle aches, and fevers. Visit their website for more information on available services. To speak with a helpful staff member, call (513) 461-2273.
