
Laser skin rejuvenation utilizes pulsing beams of concentrated light to remove fine lines, wrinkles, spots, and other signs of aging. It’s a noninvasive procedure that requires minimal recovery time with no side effects. A typical treatment only takes an hour or two. Here’s what you should know about how laser skin rejuvenation works and its benefits.

How It Works

The heat from the rejuvenation laser works on the skin in two ways. First, it vaporizes damaged skin cells on the surface to reduce or eliminate lines, pigmentation, and other imperfections. It also penetrates below to the underlying skin, where it repairs damaged collagen fibers and encourages the body to make new, healthy collagen, a protein that reduces wrinkles.

During the procedure, you may receive a local or general anesthetic for comfort. A small, handheld laser is directed at the areas to be treated, where it releases a small but intense beam of pulsating light. After the treatment, you can go home the same day. Your dermatologist will give you aftercare instructions and discuss any follow-up visits.


laser skin rejuvenationLaser skin rejuvenation targets and eradicates the signs of aging while tightening the skin. It takes a small number of treatments to see significant and long-lasting results. There’s little, if any, discomfort involved. Also, the procedure is appropriate for virtually all kinds of skin. Different types of handheld tools are available to accommodate a variety of skin conditions, such as skin with textural anomalies or vascular lesions.


To see if laser skin rejuvenation is right for you, contact Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis in Atlantis, FL. This experienced medical team offers several face and body renewal solutions, including skin rejuvenation, body contouring, and laser hair removal. All procedures are performed by cosmetic dermatologists in a safe, caring, state-of-the-art environment. Call (561) 969-1777 or visit their website to schedule an appointment. Check them out on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on current information and the latest deals.
