
Whether attending day care or a play date with a friend, you want your child to make strong connections with others. Many kids struggle with being social, and parents can make a positive impact by introducing important concepts and practices. 

How to Improve Your Child’s Socialization With Others

1. Emphasize the Importance of Eye Contact

Eye contact is a major aspect of communication. Not only does it show that you’re engaged with the person you’re speaking to, but it also allows you to assess their responses and reactions to the conversation.

At home, ask your child to look you in the eyes when talking. It can help if you bend down to get closer to their height level. Offer positive reinforcement and praise when your child makes eye contact without being asked. 

2. Help Your Child Practice Sharing

Teaching children to share is a two-part responsibility. Timid children may have problems asserting ownership over their belongings, so if your child has a toy that’s special to him, make sure they understand that it’s OK to keep that toy for themselves if he chooses to.

When it comes to other, less special toys, role-play at home so your child can practice sharing, but also encourage them to speak up using gentle words when they’d like a toy returned.

3. Encourage Communication

day careShy children also have difficulty communicating with others, whether asking questions or joining in a conversation.  Model good communication skills by asking your child questions and encourage them to do the same. You can also schedule playdates with other kids to allow your child to hone these new skills. 


Offering more than just day care to local families, Merry Manor School Of Childhood helps kids develop both educationally as well as socially. Their Beautiful Beginnings Curriculum is customized to each child’s phase of development, so you can rest assured they’re meeting important milestones. They also offer the Creative Curriculum, which is designed to ease the transition of children from pre-school to kindergarten. Parents in Lincoln, NE, can call (402) 466-2215 today to learn more about enrollment. Before that, check out the website for more information on their day care programs.
