
Family dentists encourage parents to instill excellent oral hygiene habits in their children from an early age. By embracing daily brushing and flossing at home, your child is more likely to maintain this regimen into adulthood. Plus, the odds of discovering cavities or gum disease during a dental exam are much lower. If your little one is resistant to brushing, here are a few methods to motivate them. 

4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Children

1. Turn Brushing Into a Family Affair

Children often learn by observing their parents. With this in mind, you can turn oral care into a family bonding experience by doing it together every morning and evening. This allows you to observe and correct their brushing technique. Your little ones will also get used to the routine and will start to look forward to this ritual. 

2. Make Brushing a Game

DentistAs you brush together, you can make the experience fun. Set a timer and turn brushing into a dance party. Let your children choose the song you listen to while brushing. If breaking up the process helps, you can have your child brush a quadrant for 30 seconds during TV commercials until they’re finished. 

3. Shop for Supplies Together

Bring your little one to the drug store and allow them to explore the oral hygiene aisle. There’s a wide range of kid-friendly toothbrushes in fun colors, patterns, or featuring cartoon characters. If you allow your child to pick the toothpaste, make sure it’s dentist recommended. When your child chooses their tools, they’ll be more excited about oral care. 

4. Reward Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement and praising your child for brushing provides an excellent incentive. Pairing oral hygiene with earning stickers, rewards, getting to choose a bedtime story, or additional TV time will reduce resistance. 


Are you looking for a dentist that’s gentle and encourages young patients to prioritize oral health? If so, Fielden Family Dentistry in High Point, NC, is the right practice for you. Led by Dr. S. Cody Fielden, this state-of-the-art clinic has served families throughout the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina since 1980. To schedule a dental exam, call today at (336) 889-2434. For more information on their comprehensive services, visit their website. 
