
When you own a computer, one of the things it’s vital to guard against is the possibility of a virus. Certain types of pernicious malware can steal valuable information, as well as erase your files and handcuff your device. While virus removal is often a possibility, it’s best to simply avoid that situation in the first place. Here’s a tip sheet for best practices of warding off computer viruses. 

How to Avoid Computer Viruses

1. Install Anti-Virus Software

virus removalOne of the best tools to avoid a situation where you ever even need virus removal is to install anti-virus or anti-malware software on your device. These systems, such as McAfee®, will intercept problematic attacks on your computer, as well as regularly run scans to intercept anything that slipped by. 

2. Choose Varied Passwords

Another way to protect yourself is to avoid doubling up on passwords. By using the same one over and over, you drastically increase your exposure since if one gets stolen, suddenly many things are compromised. So, make sure your passwords are different and make them complex using special characters, numbers, and uppercase letters. 

3. Keep Your Operating System Current

Especially with Macs®, it’s important that you update your operating system when Apple® comes out with a new upgrade. Each version is better equipped to combat the latest viruses and malware, so staying current helps you stay safe. 

4. Be Careful What Emails You Click On

It’s worth being cautious when you open your emails. If the sender is someone who you’ve never heard of, type the subject line into Google to make sure that you’re not entering into a scam. Sometimes, just by clicking on an email like that, a hacker can gain access to your computer. 


If your Apple Mac seems to have developed a virus, it’s important to contact a virus removal expert like Experimax Portsmouth in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, right away. Specializing in Apple products, the professionals can help with both malware removal and data recovery. To make an appointment, just call (603) 501-0410. Learn more about the store by visiting their website.  
