
Dental implants not only fill in gaps in smiles but also work just as well as natural teeth. Because implants replace teeth, many people wonder just how long they last. Learn more about the durability of dental implants and what you can do to make them last as long as possible below.

The Average Life Span of Dental Implants

Under ideal circumstances, implants can last a lifetime. Since they're placed directly in the jawbone, they can be cared for like natural teeth. The crown that sits atop the implant usually lasts 10 to 15 years.

Implants in the back of the mouth typically need to be restored sooner than those in the front because they’re subject to more wear and tear from chewing. 

Factors That May Decrease Their Life Span

dental implantsProper dental care is a factor in how long implants last. The health of your jawbone also matters. For a successful implant, the metal rod must fuse with the jawbone. Any issues with fusing will result in a less stable implant that will need to be replaced sooner.

People who smoke have a higher risk of developing gum disease, which, in turn, deteriorates the gums and jawbone, causing complications with implants. 

What You Can Do to Make Them Last as Long as Possible

Take care of your implants by brushing and flossing daily. You should also schedule visits with your dentist at least twice a year. They’ll be able to identify and treat any issues before major damage occurs.

If you smoke, you should quit for your oral and general health. 


If you have questions about dental implants, our team at the Smile Surgery Center is glad to provide answers. We offer an All-on-4® implant procedure that takes much less time than traditional surgery so you can enjoy a new smile sooner. We also perform tooth extractions, sedation, and many other types of dental surgery. Schedule an appointment in Anchorage today by calling (907) 644-4772. You can also visit our website to learn more about our services.   
