
At first, roof leaks may not affect the rest of your home. However, if the issue isn’t promptly addressed, the damage can grow and cause water damage in your attic, walls, and ceiling. Fortunately, understanding the common causes of leaks will help you avoid them. 

3 Common Sources of Roof Leaks

1. Missing Shingles

Shingles compose the roof’s outermost layer of protection. While they are relatively thin, they are securely attached and sealed to keep the underlayment dry. If one or more shingles go missing due to storms or tree damage, however, your roof is left vulnerable to leaks.

roof leaksYou can stay ahead of this issue by inspecting your roof at least twice a year. If you spot loose, warped, or missing sections, have them replaced. For additional protection, have a professional seal the shingles about once every five to 10 years. Trimming any overhanging branches will also prevent any from falling off and puncturing the surface.

2. Damaged Flashing

Flashing refers to the small metal strips that surround the points where vents, chimneys, and other openings meet the roof. If your vent or chimney flashing corrodes or is damaged, moisture will seep through the openings and cause leaks.

When you perform a roof inspection, always check to make sure the chimney flashing is in place. If you spot rusting, warping, or missing sections, have them replaced.

3. Ice Dams

During the winter, heat will rise and escape through the roof. Without proper ventilation, the accumulated heat will melt any snow on the surface. When the liquid reaches the cold eaves, it will freeze and create an ice dam. As the process continues, the dam will trap melted snow, placing pressure on the structure until a leak occurs.

While you can’t stop snow from falling, you can minimize the risk of ice dams by having a roofer install vents in the attic. These should direct warm air out. If you spot ice dams, you can also use a gardening rake to remove them.


When roof leaks appear, trust the services of Mr. Fix It. This experienced contractor in Rochester, NY, is equipped to provide all types of roof repairs. If the structure is past its lifespan, they also offer affordable and reliable roofing installations to protect your home. Visit them online to learn more about these solutions or call (585) 266-7663 to schedule a free in-home estimate.  
