
While you may be excited that your teen can now drive themselves to school and activities, it's also reasonable to feel a bit nervous with them behind the wheel. One way to ease your fears and ensure your teen's safety is buying the right car. If you're unsure about where to start, consider the following factors, such as safety and insurance cost.

How to Choose the Best Car for Your Teenager

1. Safety Features

Safety is likely your top priority when it comes to choosing a car for your teen. When doing research, look at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's suggestions for the best models based on their safety features, and check each car's safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Also, look for features that'll help your teen drive on slick roads, such as electronic stability control, and those that'll alert them when cars are in their blind spots. If your teen is inheriting the family car, you can install new safety features, including backup cameras and parking sensors, easily and inexpensively.

2. Model Reliability

insuranceWhile researching models to buy for your teen, check the car's reliability rating from Consumer Reports, and scour dealerships for certified pre-owned vehicles. Also, try to learn as much as you can about a car's history if you're purchasing from a private seller. Start by conducting a vehicle history report, and have a trustworthy mechanic inspect the car before buying. Finally, ask about the owner's reasons for selling, their experience with the vehicle, and any recurrent issues it had.

3. Car Size

Heavy, large vehicles are often recommended for teenage drivers, as they're built to protect drivers in accidents. Small cars are better with fuel consumption and generally easier to drive and park, but they don't score as well on crash tests as larger vehicles. If you're looking for something that will fill both needs, compact and mid-sized cars are rated highly for safety and efficiency.

4. Insurance Cost

The younger your teen driver, the more your car insurance premiums will increase. Young, new drivers are far more likely to get into car accidents than older, more experienced drivers, which means they're greater liabilities for insurance companies. To lower your insurance rates, get your teen a car that has a lot of safety features, such as the ones mentioned previously.


If you’re looking for an affordable auto insurance policy for your teen, contact IGO Insurance in Raleigh, NC. They’ve been providing quality insurance options to clients throughout the state since 1970. This agency offers a wide variety of policies and services, so they can handle all of your family’s needs. Reach out on their website or call (919) 782-1560 to get a free quote from one of their friendly agents today.
