
Mice reproduce at an incredibly fast rate, so if you see one mouse, there are likely more in your home. Have you ever wondered why they breed so fast? Or how many babies they have at once? Although this information is interesting to know, make sure to call pest control as soon as you see the signs of these unwelcome guests.

Mice Reproduction

When Do They Reach Sexual Maturity?

Due to a mouse's short life span, they reach sexual maturity at 4-6 weeks of age, which is quicker than other large rodents. If a mouse had one baby per litter, this wouldn't be an issue, but mice produce several offspring at once.

How Many Babies Do They Have?

Female mice stay pregnant for only 25 days and produce between 4-6 babies per litter. The female mouse can have up to 10 litters per year, which means she could give birth to 40 to 60 babies in her lifetime. If pest control isn't called quickly, mice could overrun your home in months.

How Long Do Mice Live?

pest controlMice live short lives—approximately 12 months in the wild. But those who live indoors away from predators and with access to plentiful food can live for two or three years. Since a mouse has multiple litters, with half of them likely to be female, you could have hundreds of mice in your home by the end of one year. Since they are crafty and can often find ways of getting the nutrients they need, the only way to effectively remove them is to destroy the population.


If you notice mice in your home, call pest control immediately. Hi-Tech Pest Pros in Houston, TX, is a locally owned and operated residential pest company that will help you regain control of your property from rodents, cockroaches, termites, and other critters. Visit their website to learn more about their capabilities. Call (281) 335-5725 to set up an appointment or request a quote.
