
Many homeowners opt to install a gravel driveway because it’s affordable and attractive. When this feature is properly cared for, it can last for many decades. To help you get the most out of your driveway, here are a few important maintenance tips.

How to Care for Your Gravel Driveway

1. Repair Potholes Quickly

Potholes are an obvious threat to your driveway’s appearance and functionality, and they’re usually caused by water trapped below the surface. Since a pothole will expand rapidly, you should immediately make the necessary repairs once you notice it.

First, use a shovel to add large, coarse gravel to the pothole, and pack the material to the bottom using a hand tamper. Then, tamp down a layer of medium-sized gravel, followed by a smaller, crushed layer.

2. Stay on Top of Drainage

gravelDecrease the chance of potholes forming by maintaining your driveway’s drainage. Add gravel to any low spots that fill with water when it rains. If frequent traffic has accumulated gravel in certain areas, the piles will act as dams and hold water to the surface. To address the drainage issue, scrape away the built-up material and level out the ground, filling holes when necessary.

3. Manage Grass

Over time, grass may grow through the driveway, decreasing your home’s curb appeal. Kill sprouts by using a garden sprayer to apply an all-purpose herbicide over the top of the driveway. Avoid walking on the grass until the herbicide dries, which usually takes a few hours.

4. Reapply When Needed

If it’s been at least a few years since you installed the driveway, it’s time to start thinking about reapplication. To keep the driveway stable, most homeowners need to apply an extra layer of gravel every one to five years, depending on how frequently the surface is used.


If you need high-quality gravel for reapplication or installation, turn to the helpful team at Sanford’s Service Center. Established in Pahoa, HI, in 1977, this trusted material hauling service delivers gravel, concrete, cinder, and aggregates to homes throughout the Big Island. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 965-8144 to schedule a delivery.
