
Leaking pipes can often go undetected for weeks or months. The problem can lead to significant water damage in the home. Fortunately, there are several signs that can alert you to a potential issue. Here are three indicators of pipe leaks.

How to Tell if You Have a Pipe Leak at Home

1. Property Damage

New pipe leaks are unlikely to cause significant damage right away, but they’re possible to spot fairly quickly when they cause dampness on your carpet or leave a dark spot on your wall. But as the problem worsens, water can seep through carpet fibers and weaken drywall to the point where it begins to sag. Eventually, sagging areas can collapse if the moisture continues to soak into the material. Look out for key signs, like minuscule spots on the walls, floorboards that suddenly feel weak or spongy, and damp carpets.

2. Mold Formation

pipe leaksAccording to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it takes only 24 to 48 hours for mold to develop after exposure to moisture. Because leaking pipes often go undetected for significant periods of time, mold growth can become widespread. You might not see it right away, especially if it grows behind drywall or develops under flooring. In some cases, though, you might notice black spots or smell a musty aroma that could indicate there’s mold or mildew somewhere in the vicinity.

3. Elevated Bills

Undetected pipe leaks can also cause your water bills to skyrocket. You may notice that your payment is significantly larger from one month to the next. If it happens suddenly and without warning, you can usually attribute it to a leak somewhere in the home. Check the usual spots first. Do the toilets run constantly? Is there a small drip from a faucet? These issues should be resolved by a plumber to reduce your costs.


Don’t allow a pipe leak to get out of control. Turn to the team at Fast Rooter Plumbing in Oahu, HI. Serving the community for more than 20 years, these plumbers proudly handle a variety of problems, including broken pipes, clogged drains, and sink and toilet repairs. Call (808) 734-4938 to schedule an appointment today.
