
Good oral hygiene is crucial for a child's healthy development. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing aren't exciting activities according to most kids, and this can make daily oral care a challenge. There are ways to change that, though. Follow these suggestions to make your children’s dental care a treat rather than a chore.

How to Help Kids Enjoy Brushing & Flossing

1. Buy "Special" Oral Hygiene Supplies

Kids love novelty, and investing in a few unique oral hygiene supplies can often make the process of daily dental care more bearable. Get them a toothbrush in bright, bold colors or one decorated with their favorite animated characters. Let them pick out healthy fruit-flavored toothpaste and cinnamon dental floss. Fluoride washes are available in kid-friendly flavors, such as strawberry, watermelon, and even bubblegum.

2. Reward Good Behavior

oral hygieneWhen your child brushes and flosses, praise them. Acknowledge their good behavior by providing a small yet satisfying reward, such as putting a star on a daily toothbrushing chart. Once a certain number of stars have been earned, take them to see a movie or give them an extra 30 minutes of playtime for a day.

As helpful as incentives can be, don't go overboard with the indulgences. You want brushing and flossing to become normal parts of their routine and not something that requires constant acclaim. To keep your messaging on point, never reward brushing or flossing with junk food treats.

3. Make It a Game

Regardless of age, you should brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes twice a day. For kids, two minutes can seem like a lifetime, so turn brushing into a game. Put a timer beside the sink and have them watch as the seconds tick by, "racing" to be done before time is out. If two minutes just isn't feasible at first, start where they’re comfortable, such as working their way up from one minute.


Twice-yearly dentist visits should be another component of your child's oral hygiene practices. The compassionate team at JP Larson, DDS, and Stephen J. Larson, DDS, serves patients of all ages throughout the Cincinnati, OH, region. They offer a wide range of dental services, including preventive exams, X-rays, fillings, and cosmetic treatments. Schedule an appointment by calling (513) 528-1223. Learn more about their family dentistry on their website.
