
Bad breath, or halitosis, is something that everyone is bound to experience from time to time. Sometimes, a piece of sugar-free chewing gum or mouthwash is all the oral care you need to get rid of the embarrassing problem. But in other cases, this symptom may be a sign of a medical problem that requires help from a professional, such as a dentist. If you’re confused about a case of bad breath, here are four common reasons you might have halitosis and how you can address them.

4 Common Causes of Bad Breath

1. Smoking

If you smoke, the tobacco, nicotine, and chemicals found in cigarettes will give you distinctive smoky breath. While gum and mouthwash may temporarily get rid of the smell, quitting smoking is the only way to stop the problem for good. Giving up the habit can also support your overall oral care by reducing your risk of oral cancer and enamel stains.

2. Onions & Garlic

oral careOnions and garlic may be tasty, but the sulfur compounds they contain can leave an odor in your mouth that lasts for hours. To lessen the smell, chew sugar-free gum, rinse with mouthwash, brush your teeth, drink water, or eat foods with neutral odors—such as cucumbers or carrots.

4. Dry Mouth

Whether due to sleeping with your mouth open or a medication side effect, dry mouth is a common reason people have bad breath. When you don’t produce enough saliva, your mouth is unable to rinse away dead cells. As these cells accumulate and linger, they develop an unpleasant odor. If you experience dry mouth, talk to your dentist about the possible causes and available oral care solutions to help treat the problem.

5. Dental Problems

Your dentist can detect and treat oral health issues that contribute to halitosis. In some cases, the odor comes from bacterial infection, such as those that cause gum disease. In other situations, the smell may result from poor oral hygiene, such as not cleaning food out from braces. Try to floss at least once a day to remove excess food from your teeth and prevent tartar buildup, which could also contribute to bad breath. 



Whether you’re struggling with gum disease or bad breath, Lisa Tatum J DDS will help. Providing oral care in Waynesboro, VA, for patients of all ages, Dr. Tatum and her caring team take a gentle approach to ensure your treatment is a comfortable and stress-free experience. Her team provides oral exams, teeth cleanings, and other preventive services to keep your mouth fresh and healthy. Visit them online to learn more about their capabilities or call (540) 943-0973 to schedule an appointment.
