
Owning a large portion of heavily wooded land comes with a lot of responsibility because, from diseases to wildfires, there are many associated risks. If you recently bought some new acres, land clearing can help make the space healthy, habitable, and usable. If you're unsure, consider the benefits of this process below.

What Are the Benefits of Land Clearing?

1. Increase Wildlife Activity

Land that's left unattended is a breeding ground for invasive species that can drive natural wildlife away and ruin the soil. This can hurt both you and your neighbors, especially if you're hunters or farmers. Land clearing is ideal in this situation because it'll eliminate the invasive plant problem, allowing wildlife and crops to flourish on your property.

2. Begin New Construction Projects

land clearingWhether you're looking to build a barn, a shed, or even an entire guest property, land clearing is essential. Empty spaces are easier to build on, and the wood left behind will also provide a layer of mulch for the topsoil, making it sturdier and better able to support construction. Additionally, insects and pests often live in dark and moist areas, so the dry remains of land clearing will keep them away from your new projects.

3. Prevent Disease & Wildfires

Rotting trees will welcome diseases onto your property that can quickly spread to the surrounding areas. Dead trees in dry climates can also encourage the spread of wildfires, which can get out of control quickly. Land clearing removes dead and rotting trees from your space, which decreases both of these risks.


If you’re ready for a large land clearing job, reach out to Alaska Hydro Ax. Based in Anchorage, they’ve provided quality service throughout the state for decades. No one knows Alaska’s rough terrain quite like them, so they’re the place to go to for any major excavation project. Visit their website for more information on how they can help, or call (907) 243-6200 to get a free estimate.
