
If you're looking to buy a house, the size of the lawn can be a major draw—especially if you have or are planning to have pets or children. However, if you haven't had a yard before, it helps to know what to look for and what to expect of this extra land. The guide below outlines factors to consider when making your purchasing decision.

What to Know About Moving Into a House With a Yard

1. Maintenance Needs

The larger the yard, the more maintenance it will require. For those who enjoy gardening and yardwork, this can serve as a draw; however, you either need to allot time to mow the grass, prune the bushes, and repair the fencing regularly or have the budget to hire someone to do it for you. 

If the yard contains other features—like a pool or pond—these will require attention as well. 

2. Current Condition

Buy A HouseWhen touring the property, check the condition of sheds and other structures to make sure they are sound.

Examine the trees for any dead, bare, diseased, or overhanging branches. Trees that are too close to your home may have roots that interfere with underground utilities, walkways, and foundations.

Ask about the yard's drainage and see if there are any signs of persistent mud, pooling water, or soil erosion. Each of these issues will cost time and money to fix and should either be taken care of by the existing owner or factored in when you negotiate to buy the house.

3. Use of the Space

If you want to plant an extensive garden, a yard full of trees may not be the best choice for you—and if you want a wide lawn for your kids to play on, an established garden isn't what you need. Therefore, take the time to consider your priorities for the space and how the layout plays into your vision.


For help choosing the home and yard that's perfect for your family, contact Open Real Estate in Lakewood, CO. With seven years of history serving the Metro-Denver area and real estate experience stretching back much further, they're thoroughly acquainted with the local market. To get started on your real estate search, call (303) 232-1111. Check out their affordability calculator online.
