
When you have tooth sensitivity, even mundane tasks such as stepping outside into a cold breeze or biting into hot or acidic foods can cause sudden, sharp bouts of pain. While dentists can often recommend treatments for assuaging these aches, prevention is best. The guide below looks at some of the reasons your teeth might be hurting, so you can avoid potential triggers.

Why Are Your Teeth Sensitive?

1. Aggressive Brushing

Brushing teeth too aggressively using a hard-bristled toothbrush eventually causes the gums to recede. Severe gum recession exposes sensitive tooth roots containing bony dentin and nerve pulp. It also wears away at enamel, which is the teeth’s hard, white, outer layer.

Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and clean your teeth gently for two minutes twice a day to prevent further damage. If enamel erosion isn’t too serious, use a remineralizing toothpaste.

2. Gingivitis & Gum Disease

dentistBoth gum disease and its precursor, gingivitis, create inflamed, sore, red, and bleeding gum tissue. This can cause tooth root exposure, with gum disease patients especially susceptible to recession.

Review your oral hygiene habits to reduce gingivitis symptoms, as you may not be brushing for long enough or flossing correctly. If you suspect gum disease, make an appointment with your dentist immediately to determine a care plan.

3. Tooth Fractures

Fractures and cracks from sports injuries and other facial trauma allow bacteria to infiltrate affected teeth and possibly cause abscesses if care isn’t taken quickly enough.

If you believe one of your teeth has cracked, schedule emergency dental services. Depending on the extent of the injury and the overall health of your tooth, it may require extraction.

4. Diet High in Sugary or Acidic Foods

Consuming too many foods and drinks high in acid and sugar erode teeth and create dental caries, or cavities. Combining acidic and sugary food intake with insufficient dental care compounds the problem. Surprisingly to some, brushing your teeth too soon after eating can also cause issues, since it works the sugar or acid into your enamel. Therefore, opt to rinse your mouth instead and wait 30 minutes before brushing.

Focus on diet changes to relieve sensitivity, such as trading junky snacks for whole foods, like apples and celery, that naturally clean the teeth. See your dentist if you think you have a cavity or severe erosion. 


Discuss these and other common reasons for tooth sensitivity, such as bruxism, with Allen S. Braumiller Jr. DDS, PC. The family dentist has served Coweta, OK, and the surrounding areas for 33 years, providing a full suite of services for patients of all ages. Call (918) 486-6516 today to schedule an appointment or visit the dentist online for more information. Get additional dental care tips on Facebook.
